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Last week of class
Updated schedule of deadlines: (i.e. everything is due on the 10th)
- May 10: Final project uploaded to Blackboard
- May 10: Final project individual reflection email due to me. Check assignment guidelines (linked above) for instructions.
- May 10: Participation letter due on Blackboard. This should be 250-300 words minimum. Refer to the syllabus for guidance on what to write about.
Final project resources
Screen design prototypes
Here are some resources for creating screen prototypes or design mockups for your final project:
- Invision
- Adobe InDesign has a 30-day free trial
- Photoshop is a great option and it also has a 30-day free trial
- Google has an app called Drawings which could be a simple way to create screen prototypes
Framing essay guidance
Along with your website or app prototype, your group should produce a framing essay (4-5 pgs. double-spaced, MLA format). The essay should explain the problem or need that your project addresses, and then pitch your group’s idea as a solution. This task will involve some discussion of audience: who you envision using your app. The essay should cite 2 to 3 readings that we have discussed in class during the semester. It should also explain how your project engaged or used feminist principles of design. Bardzell describes these as pluralism, participation, advocacy, ecology, embodiment, and self-disclosure.
Here are some examples of the kind of analysis I am looking for in the framing essay and how you can show that principles of feminist design are at work in your project, even if it's not explicitly an app or website designed for women:
- Adam Morse: “Think about the current state of the website/application/digital product you were working on. Can everyone use it with the same opportunity to participate in 'mainstream American life?'”
- CV Harquail: “Products designed by feminists are intended to change power relationships and advance social change.”
473 class wiki help
- Here is a really helpful "wiki markup cheat sheet" that you can use to remember how to format things on this wiki:
- Here is an explantation of stuff in the editing toolbar:
- There is also a general Wikimedia user help page here: (Wikimedia is the software that I am running for this wiki. Wikipedia also uses Wikimedia software. I know that is confusing!!)