Gender ambiguity

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Gender ambiguity is when there is no distinction or noticeability of one’s gender. Someone who is gender ambiguous is representing themselves in a neutral fashion through clothing, hairstyle, speech, etc. This is the idea of not being able to be known or recognized as male or female. Being gender ambiguous allows for people not to be stereotyped or placed into a certain category. There is a sense of freedom with this lifestyle because one does not have social standards immediately set to them through their obvious gender.

Gender ambiguity is not a simple and easy lifestyle choice, though. According to Christine Liao, author of My Metamorphic Avatar Journey, “The task I set for myself—that of creating a gender ambiguous avatar—was painful and difficult” (38) showing how even creating an online version of a character who is gender ambiguous is no easy task. There are many natural happenings that restrict the full gender ambiguity opportunity. The obvious example being female and male hormonal differences that make some noticeable distinctions on physical appearances at first glance. In order for someone to be completely gender ambiguous they must find a way to wear gender neutral clothing that hides any form of indication what sex they were born with. Gender ambiguity focuses on taking the gender identity role out of humans and create a neutral version of oneself.

-Kelsey L.

Works Cited

Liao, Christine L. "My Metamorphia Avatar Journey." Visual Culture & Gender 3 (2008): 30-39. Web.