Gaming culture

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Gaming Culture: "Video game culture (more accurately: a subculture) is a worldwide new media subculture formed by video games. As computer and video games have exponentially increased in popularity over time, they have had a significant influence on popular culture."

For example, a gaming culture would be the people who are "micro-famous" from vines and twitter. They are popular over a certain period of time. Gaming culture has become more popular over time with how fast out technology is being created. For example, the gaming culture is now on the computer and even our cell phones. When you are bored and go right to your phone or computer and open up a gaming app, you are participating int he gaming culture. The gaming culture as evolved to one of the "biggest" cultures out there. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, any type of app is a cult of the gaming culture. News applications, whether it is all gaming culture. A positive side of gaming culture is the entreatment aspect of it. It is very entertaining to be on your phone, the internet and all these types of social apps. We gain knowledge from them, as well we "dumb" ourselves down. lastly, a completion side of the gaming culture would be fantasy football usually the men/guys are interested in. That is entertainment but competitive as well as a game.

The gaming culture is more of a normal for our generation. It can be hard to be our grandparents and sit back and watch because they were not grown up in the social media area. However, my generation and the generation to come is very caught up in the gaming culture, and it is not really our own fault. Its the norm for "now-a-days."

-Angelena Minniti