Information Overload
English 248-002: Literature and Contemporary Life
Response Guidelines
The responses are intended to be practice for more formal, longer projects. They are low-stakes exercises that prompt you to engage with the week’s reading in some way. By writing regularly, you will find it easier to get started on papers. Also, by beginning to process and apply the reading before class, the discussion during class has a much better chance of succeeding. There will be a total of 10 responses assigned throughout this course. You are required to submit at least 7 responses. If you wish to complete more than 7 responses, I will drop your lowest score(s). For instance, if you submit 8 responses, I will drop 1 score. If you submit 9 responses, I will drop 2 scores. Response can earn a maximum of 10 points. A perfect 10 will:
- Be brief: approximately 2-3 paragraphs or +/- 400 words in length
- Have a point or central question, and get to the point quickly (avoid rambling)
- Demonstrate critical thinking and an effort to make connections by incorporating things we’ve read in class, your work in other courses, your life experiences, popular culture...
- Use specific examples from the reading (quotes or paraphrases, with page citations)
- Be clear, polished, and written for members of our class
You will need a Disqus account to submit your responses on the assignment page. If for any reason you cannot access your Disqus account or something else is going wrong, you can email responses to me or bring them on paper.
Responses are due at the beginning of class. Late responses are docked 3 points, and they must be emailed to me since the discussion is closed by or near the beginning of class. Please don’t wait to post responses until seconds before class. Complete the post the night or morning before class. Students submitting all 7 scored responses on time will receive an additional 3 bonus score points towards your cumulative response grade.